عشائر الانبار: ألف شاب من اهالي المحافظة تطوعوا للمشاركة في المعارك
كشف مجلس عشائر الانبار عن تطوع ألف شاب من اهالي المحافظة للقتال في المعارك الدائرة في مختلف مدنها. واوضح عضو…
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Turkish parliamentary elections and expected possibilities
Turkish parliamentary elections will be held on the first of October / November this year in the light of a…
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Motives of the Iranian shift in the field in Iraq
Russian support for the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is not restricted with weapons , gear and political support,…
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The impact of the Russian intervention on the interests of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria
Many believe that the essence of the growing Russian military intervention in Syria now aims eventually to establish a system’s…
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Iran and the popular crowd militias in Iraq
Perhaps, the highest voice rising in Iraq is the sound of Iran, according to Arab and Western analyzes and reports,…
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