
Militias deepen the state of panic and insecurity in Baghdad

Fighters from the Iraqi Imam Ali Brigade, belonging to the Badr Organisation headed by former Iraqi Transport Minister Hadi al-Amiri, take part in a graduation ceremony in Taza Khurmatu, 20 kms south of Kirkuk, on February 26, 2015. AFP PHOTO / MARWAN IBRAHIM (Photo credit should read MARWAN IBRAHIM/AFP/Getty Images)

The emergence of militias of the popular crowd  is attributed to  the fatwa of  “Jihad Ulkipaia”  issued by the supreme Shiite religious authority of  Iraq in June 13 2014. The aim of its establishment   is to fight the state organization  in Iraq and the Levant “Daash” which  could  with ease to control over the province of Mosul and later  the other  Sunni provinces  before the limitation of its  presence in the province of Mosul at the moment.

The practical practices of the  militias of popular crowd have proved and still to prove  as significantly  that are deviated from the true aim of its creation, as if that goal was just outwardly target where it hides in its essence the real issue  revealed by its  real practices .  these practices can be demonstrated  by two obvious things . The first: that the militias  deepened  the vertical “sectarian”  ,social  divide  in Iraq through the shameful practices against individuals  of the Sunni component in  the Sunni provinces. As such practices have  reached   to the level of crimes against human rights and these crimes are “the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, these crimes  according to the Article V of the Statute of the International Criminal Court applies to the actions of the militias  of the popular crowd in the rest of the Sunni provinces.

The behavior of  the  militias  of  the popular crowd was not matching with the speech  used by the Iraqi government noting that  Most Iraqi Shiite groups within the popular crowd were  involved in  acts of violence against Sunni civilians. And the non-recurrence of such acts , it has been agreed on what was termed “Tikrit rules” -the informal agreement that stipulate that  the Iranian-backed Shiite militias  should not  enter to Sunni cities that are to be retaken  from the state organization in Iraq and the Levant “Daash” for fear of igniting a new sectarian tensions there. But the popular crowd forces did not abide by  these rules and entered the city of Fallujah, as reported by  Iraqi security sources and other press establishments  that militias of the popular crowd  have carried out  the looting and burning of houses in Fallujah after the liberation of neighborhoods in the city from the grip of the terrorist organization Daash. Also  Fallujah residents who managed to escape suffered  from the beatings, disappearances, and even from the field executions at the hands of the popular crowd forces, Shiite militias, according to  “credible” reports cited by the report of the organization “Human Rights Watch,”  and Bruno Guido, head of the agency of the UN  refugee mission in Iraq, said the militia’s behavior was “totally unacceptable.” Guido told AFP news agency that the allegations of ill-treatment by the Shiite militias, “proven by many sources … and from reports we have received assuring that it has been practiced torture by militias.”

It is interesting that revenge on the civilians did not occur after the end of fighting, as happened  in Tikrit, but it was occurred  in its start  .  However as it was  noted that the basis for the participation of the popular crowd at the battle of Fallujah is an attempt to achieve political gains because of the symbolism of this battle, it seems that the motives of a number of factions, militias of  popular crowd are pure revenge and vengeance , in a sectarian context; this is what can   explain the attacks and flaunt of  it by  publishing intense images and clips depicting an insult, and torture, and killed numbers of civilians fleeing Fallujah. What applies to Fallujah and Tikrit  of  sectarian revenge   by  militias , it also applies to other Sunni cities that  were stormed by it and including, but not limited  the city of Diyala.

The second of those deviations of the militias of popular crowd from   its real objective which  is to fight the state organization in Iraq and the Levant “Daash”  is embodied  since its emergence on the Iraqi scene as a whole   in general and the Iraqi capital , Baghdad , in particular , that it inflamed the  state  of security  instability in Baghdad and through their  undisciplined behavior  and that  indicates to the irresponsible  and recklessness and disregard within the capital, as if these militias by  its actions outside the law have become the official body governing Iraq, and in this context the rawabet center  for  research and strategic Studies  received a security document issued by the Iraqi Interior Ministry on the current July 27 , that the  unidentified armed people wearing  “black”  military uniform , riding in a black color vehicles type “Silverado / 2, and Michubia / 1, and Nissan Patrol / 1”  were  in  non –compliance to the inspection  inside the Al-Shaab control  within the Rashidiya area, and they were not content  with that act which is illegal and non-ethical,  but they also attacked elements of control including the  officer of the sonar vehicle  “Alraescan” Lieutenant “Ali Tariq Razak , ” and in order to avoid being accused  in the rawabet center for   research and strategic Studies  that  the  center is seeking  to promote   lies regarding Iraq  , we put in the hands of  honorable  reader the details of this incident as stated in the security document which is as follows:


This  attack on the control doing  their  national duty may not be the first of  its kind, but it may be preceded by numerous attacks on  the controls  in different locations of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and that this attack leads us to wonder: Why is the attack on the vehicle of the sonar officer “Alrabiskan” and prevented  him from carrying out his  security duty, everyone knows that the  vehicle of the  sonar is  involved in the detection of explosives inside the vehicle? This attack on the  vehicle of the  sonar officer makes us to  link between it and the terrorist bombings that recently took place in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, for example, the terrorist bombings that took place in Sadr City in May  of this year, and the bloody bombings of Karrada  in the  current July . so  the  failure of the militias  to comply with the  security control  ,  it will put it among the suspects in the case of occurrence of  any future terrorist bombing in Iraq, especially in Baghdad, taking in to the consideration  the fact that these militias ruled Iraq with an iron fist. it can be said  that this shameful abuse  will increase the state of  the security confusion  of the Iraqi capital Baghdad and as if Iraq in general is not satisfied with the state of confusion, which nestled in the joints of the Iraqi state since April / May 2003.

The  summary  of saying : The influence of the Iranian regime in Iraq in the post-2003 and the emergence of militias allied to it, particularly after June 2014, and  non-national practices,  pay us one day to read “Asalam” in Arabic language to Iraq that means  the end of Iraq , but when the  militias of the popular crowd to  be rewarded  here on its  crimes that may become in the near future, a major part of the   official institutions of both  security and military branches in Iraq , then it becomes necessary for us to read ” Alsalam”( the end of Iraq ) in all world languages on Iraq , Arabism .

Rawabet Research and Strategic Studies Center

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