
Brussels bombings: the face of terrorism in Europe


The Belgian capital (Brussels) witnessed on Tuesday morning, March 22, 2016 a series of terrorist attacks that killed more than 34 people dead and 135 injured and hit the airport (Zafineetm) and the metro station (malbec), to confirm the fact that has become well established and realistic that terrorism is not limited by region or country, but includes all the countries of the world and the terrorists policy is the extension and moving forward and spread terror and fear in all areas and regions of the world and seek to kill many people and making of material and human losses anywhere in reach of the hands of terrorism, and this is already indicated by the Rawabet Center for research and Strategic Studies , on November 201,515 in its article (terrorism in Paris , its prospects and its extensions).
We are living now a moment of the real confrontation with terrorism tools and the pursuit of its elements and its leaders to prove their existence and harness all their potential to achieve their goals and seek to promote and boost the morale of their cadres belonging to them and falling within sleeper cells and extending across places where they can reach it, and European depth has become a major target and very urgent need to direct the terrorist strikes to all the bases and important strategic sites t in European capitals and seeking actively to confuse the security situation and transplant cases of fear and panic among the citizens of these countries , in addition to foil the plans and capabilities of intelligence that the the security forces in European capitals are seeking to limit the activity and movement and the extension of international terrorism.
the announcement of the adoption of state organization of a series of operations and attacks in the capital (Brussels) and confirmed by the agency (Amaq ) of the media center linked with the organization using the containers and explosive belts which preceded the shooting of several gun shots in the places of event and immersion (3) of the elements of the organization and blow themselves up during the implementation of the attacks.
the incident of terrorism occurred in the country located in the north – central Europe , a neutral country and is considered a small country in terms of the size of area and the number of the population and shares a border with each of (Germany, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) and has a private regulations that help to facilitate the residence and acceptance of immigrants and treat them humanly , and the presence of the headquarters of (NATO) and the headquarters of the ( High Commissioner of the European union) in its capital has given to this country political importance and international consideration to be spoken about it by others and the concerned of world affairs .
these indicators make us to realize the importance of the goals that the terrorism is seeking to reach and identifying tracks of its operations in places that the objectives of it are well chosen which are thoughtful and concrete with the timings that reflect the experience and awareness in the terrorist field work.
In a realistic outlook to what happened , we can identify the following observations:
1. The terrorist act was taken place after four days of the success of the Belgian security to the arrest (Salah Abdel – Salam) , the suspect and the major one who is in charge of Paris bombings that took place in November 13, 2015.
2. this work indicates to the clear security failure of the Belgian security services to be lacking of pursuit and to extrapolate the future of the terrorist act in and trends of terrorist organizations and find out sleeper cells and the weakness of the security precautions that should be taken into account after the arrest of the most important participants of the incident of terrorism in the French capital (Paris).
3. The ignorance of European countries and the intelligence and security services to the risk posed by existing terrorist cells on its soil and poor security coordination and mutual between these countries and its security institutions.
4. It was used in this terrorist act , a number of devices and explosive belts , we have to wonder how Alangmasyun were managed to deliver these materials into the corridors and halls of the airport and how they were able to skip checkpoints and the Belgian security men ??
5. The events have come to indicate the fact that the goals of the organization of the state and his quest to use and invest the media side to its works and choose places of bombing so as to achieve a media resonance that seek it.
6. the incident led the Interior Minister of Belgium (that Gambon) to declare for evacuation of nuclear Rathaj reactor near the border with Germany and the announcement of the closure of the airport in which the terrorist incident was occurred and suspended all flights and to declare a state of emergency in the country.
the consequences of the incident and the results of the European Union ( EU )measures can be monitored by the following:
1.To accelerate the efforts to defeat state regulation and foil its plans and ongoing joint cooperation with the security services in Belgium and to stop the advance of its fighters and to address them.
2.To enhance the protections and deployment of military and security forces and intensify their duties at the common border points and in the important strategic places.
3. To work seriously and effectively to accelerate the weakening the strength and effectiveness of the state regulation and the intensification of the European contribution pledged by EU countries.
4.To dry up the springs and sources of financial and armament funding for the organization and thwart its plans and deprive it of the ability to recruit people and bring in new elements and sustain the momentum of confrontation and initiate fighting , targeting and reducing its activities.
5. the presence of elements of the organization and their leaders in the Libyan coastal cities and their quest to control it threatens the regional and international security , including European interests in the Middle East region and constitutes a direct threat to the national security of these countries.
6. To target the depth of EU by state regulation by offensive operations and the impact on the security situation of the capitals of the EU through the presence of terrorism and its tools in Libya and its extensions on Tunisian territory.
7. Employment all possibilities and relations which linked among the EU countries to each other in the military field to face state regulation fighters and strengthen joint efforts to inflict the biggest losses on the organization and its fighters.
8. To set key controls for the movement and the displacement of many Arabs and Muslims refugees and establish inspections and follow – up points on the border linking Belgium and its neighbors of the European countries in an attempt to limit the movement of terrorists and their infiltration taking advantage of the movement and the displacement of the refugees at the present time.
State organization adopted the style and the principle ( of surprise and shock) , a technique that is used in all operations of the strategic dimension in the face of the enemies of the organization, will we see in the coming days to continue with this approach , or will be of the international and European effort another talk to stop the stretch and creep of the organization by the activity of the military and security effort to combat international terrorism ??

Rawabet Research and Strategic Studies Center

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