
From its own sources Altaghier is alone to reveal about the most notable security events and incidents that were witnessed by Iraq

حرس الحدود العراقي يرصد تحركات لعناصر التنظيم ضمن الشريط الحدودي بين العراق والأردن والسعودية

Private sources of Altaghier have revealed that a young girl –nineteen years old –was killed when she was exposed to the fire directly by the gunman during her presence at home garden in the eastern Baghdad – Palestine street and in the fifth police neighborhood , Acommissioner working in the interior ministry, was kidnapped by the militia elements and they stole his laptop and pistol .
In the province of Muthanna , where unidentified aircraft has bombed three tents belonging to the tribe of Ayyash in the desert of Muthanna adjacent to Najaf limits and in Anbar province , the sources added that elements of the federal police in the control point of eastern Husayba have been shooting on a convoy of Anbar operation during the transfer of suspects of Zankura people and the Alasrya village despite the clarification made by the colonel Walid in advance to the federal police that the suspect be transferred for a verification of security information .
And the source confirmed that the shooting brought about killing of two suspects and injuring thirteen others and in the southern Anbar specifically near the junction of Al-Nukhayib where it has been  arrested a driver and his truck loaded with a large amount of explosive materials and ammunition noting that this is done after getting intelligence information , and in Diyala, where according to the private sources of Altaghier that elements of militias have kidnapped two people in an area of Imam Mansour which belongs to the Baladrouz district and in Basra where it has been arrested of more than fifty  people required for criminal charges launched by Basra operational command for the reduction of the tribal disputes .
And it has been capture of a driver of an oil government tanker after unloading of crude oil by him in a house located in the Andalus neighborhood and the owner of the house was arrested as well and in the north of Basra , an unidentified gunmen looted a truck loaded with iron in the north of Rumaila area .
And a thief dressed in a traffic policeman has stolen a citizen car after demanding of its drive for purpose of its buying in central of Basra and in Dhi Qar , it was arrested of a displaced from the people of Beji in Suq Alsheikh area in Al-Nasiriyah in charge of terrorism and in Amarah, it was found two decayed bodies, one is the head separated and the other is bound in chains and ropes in Uzayr and Alteeb area and in north of Babylon , two armed men dressed in a military uniform have looted two cars belongs to the citizens in Gepla area and finally in Karbala , it has been arrested of two officers and two soldiers of Iraqi Army and in being in possession of explosive materials and Alcoholic beverages in the security control .

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