
Iraq is swinging among US forces , Shiite militias and ISIS


US President Barack Obama , since he took the presidency of the United States in 2009,  paid   a number of diplomatic visits to the countries of the international community, but he has not visited Iraq only once in the same year noting that   the last visit of Foreign Minister John Kerry to  Iraq  was in June 2014, after  the control of the state  organization  in Iraq and the Levant “Daash”    on   the province of Mosul. And  the visit  of  US officials to Iraq was limited on the security  and  military side without political  ones .

Some may see that the lack of the visit of US President  and his foreign minister  does not carry any political  indications , whilst another team just see  the opposite,  noting  that the United States of America  established  the Iraqi political system   at the stage followed  the  former President Saddam Hussein in 2003, to be an  ally   system, so undoubtedly, the absence of Iraq on the agenda of their foreign visits ,  carry political messages and Washington had wanted to  send it to the government in Baghdad.

In this context, we wonder why  President Barack Obama and his secretary of state are reluctant  to visit Iraq ? What  does Washington want from Baghdad, and what is the American perception of Iraq after Daash, and what is the future of Iranian influence in Iraq after the Daash too?

Iran is mainly involved in the formation  process of the security arrangements in Iraq since the fall of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003; Having invested its strong ties with the Shiite factions , and imposed itself an important figure in the Iraqi arena. But  it became obvious  in this context   that the Iranian influence in Iraq began to emerge into the public  more than ever, with the escalation of the war waged by the international coalition against al “Daash”, in which  participated armed  Shiite militias backed by Iran  known  as the  units of “popular crowd “, it has raised many concerns about the growing Iranian influence in Iraq, which could boost sectarian divisions, and supports the expansion of the” Daash “inside and outside Iraq.

Despite   showing fear   of growing Iranian influence in Iraq by several circles in Washington ,  but US President Barack Obama’s administration continues to adopt a vague policy contributed to encourage Tehran to exert more influence inside Iraq. The most notable indicators in that:

  1. Conflicting security visions : many US officials remarks about the Shiite militias showed   a clear  conflict  of  the influence  of these militias on the security situation in Iraq ,  Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter has expressed,  in a statement to the House of Senate –  his  fears that Tikrit  may ignite  sectarian strife in Iraq, While the US Army Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey (who was retired on pension) considered that Iran could have a positive role in the attack to restore the city of Tikrit as long as Iranian interference  did not lead to tensions with the Sunni  . While Mark Perry , military expert and analyst of American foreign policy  at the Ministry of  Defense , considered  that the Iranian role in Iraq spared the United States a lot of problems.
  2. Indirect US support :Although  Washington does not participate in military operations waged by Iraqi forces to restore Tikrit city from the control of the organization “Daash”, but the US air strikes that targeted sites  of “Daash”  indirectly contributed   in the  achievements of gains   for  the militias Shiite , which  some of its elements committed  numerous violations  that it  were  evident in terms  that  it  did not receive enough attention from Washington.
  3. Unstable sectarian balance :the Obama administration is seeking to establish a political system   based on sectarian balance in Iraq , but there are many obstacles to  limit the possibility of achieving this, in light of the sectarian violence that pursued by Shiite militias, and the damage caused to  the  structure of population in Iraq for the benefit of  Iran .

United States realized that the ambiguous policy followed towards   Iraq positively reflected in favor of the Iranian  expansion  project , and to correct the course of this policy  found   in the control Daash to Mosul and some Iraqi provinces  the way to get rid of the former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and come up with  Haider  Abadi  Prime minister of Iraq,  but despite of military and political support for his government,  it  did not achieve what Washington is seeking to , which is to achieve national reconciliation among the components of Iraqi society, and evidenced by the meeting between Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in November 22 of this year, with US Deputy Secretary of State “Tony Pellnkn”  which  ignored the talk about national reconciliation in the  government statement and the statement focused on joint efforts between the United States and Iraqi forces in fighting  Daash. The leaders of the Shiite militias reject any national reconciliation where they see those  leaders of  the Sunni Arabs not only a record of no value in the Iraqi equation,  so  the face of this  refusal ,  the United States has sought through its ambassador in Baghdad, “Stewart Jones” in enhancing communication with Kurdish and Arab Sunni leaders to form an alliance in the face of the Iraqi government and the leaders of the Shiite militias.

In this  undeclared  tense environment in the US-Iraq relations , US Secretary of Defense, “Ashton Carter”   announced on the first of December / December this month that it is to deploy a “special forces  in Iraq to carry out operations against  ISIS including launching raids on  centers of the organization in Syria .  Carter said in front of  the  Armed Services Committee that   “a specialized exploratory forces” deployment  is to be fulfilled in Iraq to help the Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga to fight  Daash so “in full coordination with the Iraqi government.” And added that  the US Special Operations forces have a unique set of capabilities that enable it to perform multiple tasks  stressing “We are ready to use the capabilities of this unique force in any suitable opportunity.” He added that these special forces also capable of intervention in neighboring Syria, which Washington announced to  send about 50  of special operations troops to  its territories .  Carter said  “These special forces will be able to do   Raids  in the long run , and free the hostages, and intelligence gathering and the arrest of the leaders in Daash”.

He added that this force also able to “carry out unilateral operations in Syria.”Carter said he was “ready to expand” the role of special forces in Syria and called on world powers to strengthen its efforts to defeat al Daash. This announcement led to the emergence of the dispute between Baghdad and Washington publicly, as Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced clearly that his government rejects the resolution, which was adopted without consulting with them. Where the Iraqi prime minister defended his country’s troops, saying it was able to defeat the “Islamic state” without the help of foreign combat troops. His comments came in a statement released after a few hours of an interview with US Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, in front of  the  Congress  at   the date indicated above, for the deployment of a new special operations in Iraq to intensify the fight against the organization, which controls a large area of ​​land in Iraq and Syria. AL-Abadi said that “the Iraqi special operations forces, and the forces of counter-terrorism, played  an important role in the fight against Daash gangs, and its  capabilities were proven  in targeting the organization’s leaders, and the implementation of the serious tasks to restore vital areas”,   the Iraqi prime minister indicated  that his country is in need of training, weapons and counseling of the international community, and does not need combat foreign troops  on Iraqi territory .” But Abadi did not close the door completely in front of such a possibility, he said, “The Iraqi government stresses that any military operations, or deploy  any special or not special   foreign forces  on any part of Iraq, can not be made  without its  consent, and full coordination with  it , and respect full Iraqi sovereignty. ” US Secretary of State John Kerry has responded to this denial of Iraqi government by saying  Washington informed the Iraqi government on the full plans to deploy special forces». He added that «the two governments will hold close consultations to determine the tasks and places of deployment.»

For its part, Shiite militias and the Iraqi Shiite political forces  of  influence in Iraq  rejected  the deployment of US forces in Iraq, and pledged to combat it . In this context, Jaafar al-Husseini , a spokesman for the Hezbollah Brigades, said his group would hunt down and fight any US force deployed in Iraq. He added that any US force will become a major goal of his group. He pointed out that his group fought  the Americans before  and is ready to continue their fight. And  spokesmen of  Badr Organization backed by Iran and Asaib Ahl-Haq  (League of the Righteous ) made  similar remarks and expressed their lack of confidence in US forces after the invasion, the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and toppled former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the subsequent occupation. Spokesman of the «People crowd», declared  that «the American decision is unacceptable». He added that «Iraq does not need foreign forces»

MP from the Sadrist movement, Dr. Diaa al-Asadi stressed that the permanent position of the movement  is to reject any foreign intervention in general and the US in particular, noting  that the United States was the main cause of the problems in Iraq, and have proven in the past that their presence in Iraq was the cause of the problems, not the solution to the crises.
The « Sadrists do not see the need for the presence of US troops in Iraq because his people  can meet the capacity of the organization Daash. » Diaa al-Asadi  expressed  through that the Iraqi people may be forced to use all means and ways to counter any US force if thought to enter Iraq. He pointed out that the American people also did not want  their sons to return to Iraq, because they tried before, and they saw the huge losses   their forces  incurred  , they know that the Iraqi people do not welcome them.

The head of the Security and Defense Committee in Parliament  “of the National Alliance”, Zamili , rejected  the existence of an American force in Iraq, vowing   to combat it  if they reach Iraqi territory.
Zamili   vowed in a statement and   televised   meeting to fight any force «Western or Islamic» comes to  Iraq  , saying: «We We will fight any  force enters to Iraq, whether Arab or Islamic or Western as we fought Daash .Zamili  said  in a statement that «Iraq has significant human capabilities represented by the Iraqi army, the police and the crowd and the Saraya and volunteers  and  do not need a foreign intervention  to   fight on behalf of the Iraqi people», warning that «this malicious scheme is intended to sow discord among the Iraqi people and to encourage extremists to come to Iraq to raise extremism and division of the country. » The deputy of  the  «the state  of law coalition» Mohammed Chihod said «Carter’s statement and his decision to deploy  special forces  on the border with Syria to carry out combat missions , without returning  to the federal government, reflects the extent of the violation of Iraqi sovereignty, which requires a firm position of Abadi and political forces».

This  American insistence on sending troops to Iraq  poses several questions  on the reasons for it  despite the Iraqi government’s refusal  including:       Do  it  relate to  changes in the balance of power that  was recently known by  the battlefields of the two countries   , especially after the extended military intervention of  super powers such as Russia, France and Germany, as well as Britain, which is expected to join  them in the near future after the approval of the House of Commons on Wednesday evening? Is the American conscience suddenly woke up and decided to aid the thousands of victims of the civilians? Or is it that President Barack Obama’s administration put the last imaginable to Iraq after Daash.

The United States of America in front of two options , only two,  in respect of an Iraq after Daash, the first of these two options is to get a political settlement in the country such as Iraq suffers from all crises  of the political system  that brought it  to the ranks of the failed state, and for the revival of Iraq as a strong cohesive state , it  must be back to strengthen the state system and without detriment  to the  geographic  frontiers and support the central government authorities-regardless of its nature in order to extend its control and monopoly of “legitimate violence” in its territory.                   The second option  embodied  in the sharing of  influence  and continue the dismemberment of the Iraqi state,  noting that the early adoption  to the idea of ​​the “National Guard” as a local force, and the concept of the active  federal as an   institutional way out  of the  grave  Iraqi crisis , it seems that the United States might think that the decentralization of governance in the country, such as Iraq represents the best  effective  solutions  for it . But so far it has not been passed necessary adjustments to the restructuring of the government in Iraq.

It does not appear that this could happen  without  engaging  in more conflicts. The bet  on the “alternative Sunni power is still “a  theoretically bet , not because of the control of  Daash  over  most of the areas identified  as the “Sunni “, but also because there are many obstacles  to abstain   from  returning  to the Petraeus approach without  a fundamental  development of it   ,  noting that  the United States  is not   the same level of   political and financial   commitment  to allocate revenues  which was  in a time of Petraeus, and the local exhausted community  who has been exposed to  the  largest displacement in its history has not  the same previous  potential  to make  a  homogeneous alternative  and not factions  which  may  fighting with each other  in the future. If this option  depends  also on the Iraqi government’s commitment to supporting the Sunni armed force, this commitment will always call into question in light of the Shi’ite –Shiite  conflict which may weaken the ability of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to achieve an historic settlement based on the distribution of power in the manner posed by  United States of America .

It remains the biggest challenge is to balance between the distribution of power and maintain the structure of the state, the balance seemed so far elusive, especially in a matter of growth of cross-border ideas and the intervention of major regional powers and declining resources. Hence ,it  seems  that  any ambitious vision to build stability, coupled with  frameworks of   more justice for governance , there is a need   to a major regional settlement which its elements  has not prepared yet , and it does not seem that the United States consider it as a serious option.   US policy has moved in the post-cold war of trying to remake the Middle East in order to serve their  geopolitical interests , to try to contain the effects of the ongoing transformation because of the internal dynamics of the region and its conflicts and the fall of the old rule models and the launch of  alternative identity  tendencies to replace the national state. This process did not happen  in  isolation from the role played by the American policy for decades in the region, but it is made  to some extent of independence  of the control of such a policy. But what about the future of Iranian influence in Iraq after Daash?

The control of the organization “Daash” on the many areas in Iraq has an opportunity to Tehran in order to increase  its influence, especially in light of Washington’s  disregard  for the growing influence of Iran  due to its  concern of  facing the organization .But that does not negate that post “Daash” could see a decline in the influence of Iran,   for  two considerations: The first, in the escalation of the influence of many  Iraqi political movements forces  opposing  to the Iranian presence as a result of sectarian practices, and violations of human rights carried out by Shiite militias , which could have a regional and international support during the next phase. And the  second  is  the growing opposition of  Republicans in the US Congress to any Iranian influence   in the region, especially after the signing of the potential nuclear deal, a path that is taken into considerations  by   many directions   to see that the arrival of a Republican president to the White House in the next phase could push Washington to adopt a new policy to curb the Iranian influence in Iraq.

The new developments on the Iraqi arena ,  represented by the  control of the organization “Daash”  on a  large areas in northern Iraq beginning from June 10, 2014 ,  imposed an Iranian role  more strength in Iraq,  but that may produce  challenges to Iran, especially  that   Shiite militias   backed by  Iran  has become  a major threat to the sovereignty of Iraq,  in the way that  it perhaps pushing many directions  to move in the coming period in order to work on the curb of  Iran’s role in Iraq, despite the fact that it faces many obstacles that  do not seem easy

Rawabet Research and Strategic Studies Center

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